Gerald Jones Subaru fulfilled their Subaru Share the Love commitment by presenting a check of $8,605 to the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area on Tuesday, May 5th. The virtual presentation was made through a live Instagram video shared between the two organizations at noon. Charles Beasley, Gerald Jones Subaru General Manager, and Kristen McDowell, Gerald Jones Subaru Love Promise Coordinator, presented the Share the Love donation to Ms. Julianna Shurtleff, Development and Outreach Manager of the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area.
Gerald Jones Subaru’s Share the Love event was from November 2019-January 2020. With every new car sold, Subaru donated $250 to a charity chosen by Subaru customers. As the Gerald Jones Subaru home charity, customers chose the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area to to be the recipient of this year’s Share the Love event.